Being on Testosterone is messing with my vaginal microbiome so I'm more susceptible to STI's like Bacterial Vaginosis right now and smell much more strongly than I used to in a way that I don't like/am not used to yet. I decided to try these as a protective barrier against any foreign bacteria etc as well as an odor block to make me feel much more comfortable getting intimate. I felt good, though you definitely need to be careful and follow the included instructions for putting them on to avoid snagging body hair, and my partner was REALLY into it!
My partner is AMAB with really persistent facial hair, so it was also really nice to be protected from beard burn - I always felt really bad when I'd have to ask them to stop going down on me etc. due to my sensory issues with their stubble because being reminded of their facial hair is dysphoria inducing for them, so we're glad to not have to worry about that anymore when using these. I even had them try a pair to explore licking and rimming through the latex and it was VERY FUN for them haha and then we poked a small hole for their P and put a condom on as a super coverage combo that could be used if either of us had concerns about STDs like herpes (almost everyone has HSV1 which isn't a biggie imo, but I'd like to avoid contracting HSV2) that can be transmitted to/from areas that are not protected by condoms.
I'm now trying estradiol vaginal cream in hopes of improving my vaginal health, but I could definitely see myself continuing to use these latex undies for the other reasons they are marketed. If I ever start going to play parties again, this would be great because I'd be covered and protected but still able to feel everything as if naked! Bonus if you have a latex kink haha. If Lorals (the actual manufacturer) would finally come out with the plus-size version they've been saying they are working on (FDA approval process takes a long time) then these would be more comfortable and perfect for me. They do stretch a lot (as much as they say they do and more as my partner is at least 55" around the hips) but the tighter they are on you, the more they will snag body hair around the hip/butt if you aren't hairless in that area - that's really the only downside for me personally.